DAYS iN: Xmas & New Year, 2018

Xmas tree
Xmas tree, Xmas day.
Xmas roast
Xmas roast.
Xmas roast
Teresa tucks in.

Stayed up to see the New Year in. Not entirely sure why? The whole NYE thing is, I often find, anything from vaguely disappointing to full-on depressing. Perhaps I’m overstating? In many ways it’s all a bit… bleeaargh, if you know what I mean?

What I find most oppressive about the ‘festive season’, I guess, is the sense that we’re all seemingly supposed to partake of the same ‘automaton droid’ smiley good times vibe, regardless of how we might actually feel.

I may actually feel fine, and perfectly happy. But that doesn’t mean I want to wear silly jumpers, eat too much, and pretend I get on with everybody like we’re all the best of friends. And yet that’s exactly what I do, more or less. And it isn’t exactly too onerous either, I guess.

Sam & Abbie
Sam & Abbie visit us.
Sam & Abbie
Sam, me, Teresa & Abbie.

And so it is that having said all this, we did partake of Yuletide business in a fairly normal way: xmas tree, gifts, roast duck with all the trimmings, visiting with family and friends, etc. My younger brother and sister – Sam and Abbie – came over on their own, which was nice.

As is usual these days, we’ve been watching a lot of TV, although actually it’s more DVDs than TV. Hannah got us The Good Life, Complete Series box-set. That’s been fun to start working our way through.

Good Life
The Good Life.

I find myself feeling a bit like a grizzly bear, wanting nowt more than to hibernate. And I find I’m not doing almost any of the things I thought I might do over the Yuletide break. Instead of catching up on whatever it might be, I simply want to rest and recharge the batteries.

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