SPORT: Snooker World Champs,’24, Pt II

Jak Jones fought back, to within three.

I was out, working, again today. So, just as with the Sunday, I had to watch ‘catch-up’ style.

The first thing to note is that Jak Jones did extraordinarily well, having survived the 7- bloodbath that was the first session, to fight back to 17-14. And he’s won a lot fans in doing so.

Match ball…

But, as the ex-player pundits anticipated, having started with a six-frame cushion, Kieran was – never mind their respective pedigrees – odds-on favourite.

And so it duly transpired. After numerous frames where he seemed unable to cross that tantalising finish line, at 17-14, he finally did it. With a little help from Jak.

The emotions boil over.

I’ve warmed to Kieran slowly, over the years. Several of his admirable qualities were on display today/tonight: for one, it’s powerful to see what it means to him (and his family); for another, the sense of community and family he cherishes is heartwarming; thirdly, his candour and honesty.

Kieran celebrates with his sons. Lovely!

I could go on. But ultimately, he earned it. He deserved it. And he was generous in victory (as was Jak Jones in defeat). A great final! All hail the new chief.

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