DAYS OUT/CHURCHES: Walpole St Peter’s, Pt III


After the orgy of wood-carving in the previous gallery/post, it’s onwards and upwards, to the altar, for a look back…

Up at this altar end of the church, is where the only real concentration of stained-glass occurs. There are also many little mini-corbels, which are quite entertaining to study.

At this juncture I started to wander back down the length of the church, on the northerly side. Working my way back down the church towards the large and ornately carved font/font cover.

Once back at the font/organ end, I shot a few more sundry images, including some interesting pipe work – not just organ pipes – some of which skirts around yet more fascinating cornel work. This time larger and higher up (and correspondingly harder to see/photograph).

And so… we come to the final gallery! In this third, and probably largest, of these posts on St Peter’s. Which is mostly stuff I shot in the graveyard, working my way back to the car, through the underpass thingy. The latter has metal rings set in the walls. Poss’ for tethering horses?

I originally tried posting all the contents of these three posts in one single blog entry. But it was slow to load, and very glitchy. Hence breaking it up.

Nice graveyard pano’.

And ok, it is a lot of pictures. But then, as already noted, it really is a stunning church. In fact I’m still not done with it! I’d love to come back on a really sunny day, and snap away in brighter conditions.

And/or, maybe at the ‘magic hour’, of dusk or dawn? I guess I’d need access to the keys for that? We shall see…

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