We had a picnic lunch, in the car, sat outside St Wendreda’s, today. Brie, baguette, cream of tomato soup, coffee, etc. Simple pleasures!
But no trip to York to watch The Sealed Knot re-enacting Marston Moor, alas!

Teresa was, as ever, overjoyed that I was taking snaps. Oh, well. Can’t win ‘em all, I guess?
After a very pleasant lunch, only slightly totally ruined by the spirit of ‘bonhomie’, I decided I’d go and take another look at St Wendreda’s famed angels.

So… what’s with the scattered funerary monuments? And where are all the usual graves/gravestones? Some of the stones are on the periphery of the church site. It looks and feels like they’ve been moved. Why?
And across a road at the back of the church, there’s a more normal looking graveyard. I’ll have to go check that out.

Having walked around the church, and pondered the absence of graves, or at least gravestones, we reached the entrance.

Once under the arch, and through the porch, into the church we go…

It’s worth re-visiting these churches, I’m discovering. Often you’ll see something you missed before. Or else you can just just concentrate on one aspect of the place, with that little more time/interest.

Ok, here cum the money shots…

I decided to lay down, on my back, in the middle of the church, to take most (but not all) of these shots. Really I need a much better camera, that can really zoom in. But I’ve tried to do my best, with what I have!

And a few more sundry images, to finish…

Walking back to the car we came across a rather nice old metal turnstile gate. Still working!