We woke up in Ely today.

We’re staying in a very nice AirB&B place, on Lynn Rd, Ely. First time I’ve ever done this, I think? A local night away, on me birthday. Very pleasant!

Many AirB&Bs don’t deserve their second B at all, as they don’t provide breakfast. They do here. And it’s all the better for it.
It’s sooo nice to just be laying here, on a big comfy bed, relaxing. Doing nothing.

We have plans to mooch about Ely, visiting the Cathedral, Topping (poss’ Oxfam, if it’s open? Ditto the model shop), Waterside Antiques, and Teacock’s Pearoom. Oh, and lunch, or brunch, at the Piccolo Lounge!

Lunch at The Piccolo Lounge was fab. The only think I was less keen on is their ‘self serve via app’ m.o. But the food was great. So never mind.
We had Nazi Goering, er, sorry… Nasi Goreng, an Indonesian fried-rice dish, with chicken, prawn and chilli, etc. Yummy. Rhubarb fizzy drink, no booze!

After a lovely leisurely lunch, we dropped off my pressies in the car, and headed to Ely Cathedral…

Sadly, Ely Cathedral was the only real disappointment of the day. It’s no longer free entry on Sundays! Unless you’re local. And March, it seems, isn’t local enough. Holy Bummer, Batfreaks.

After the frustration of not being allowed to visit God’s House, it was a middling trot to Waterside Antiques, for a bit of a browse…

As ever, I saw many things I’d love to buy. But the fundage just ain’t there. I think they’re often a bit overpriced as well.
From the Antiques place we went to Peacock’s…

Peacock’s Tea Rooms turned out to be our last port of call. I had been thinking of Italian, at Pizza Express. But money and energy were in short supply!