My dratted cold is still hanging about, like an unwelcome guest…

It seems to have shifted from predominantly throat based (coughing, upper respiratory tract irritation, etc), to largely nasal. Whereas prior to now, I was surprised at how little mucus I was producing, now it’s at those unpleasantly prodigious levels of output I associate with a cold.

I also struggle with mental health issues. And I sometimes wonder, chicken and egg style, which came first? Is there a causal relationship of any kind ‘twixt the two?

I’ve been getting particularly bad January colds now for the last five years, at least. Always the same: tickly, wheezy throaty biz, and then associated issues: headaches, beck pain, sore throat (all exacerbated by so much coughing); then nasal stuff, added to the coughing.

And these things can, esp’ if not managed well, cause sleep issues. I have to try and sleep with my torso more or less upright, to deal with the constant cough.

I do worry that this annual pattern is now repeated every year, without fail. And in the exact same ways. I’m even worried it might do me in.

And then there’s trying to earn a crust, whilst unwell. I really ought to just rest, and recover. But economic circumstances simply rule that out. I have to earn. So I have to get up, go out, and work. Even if that keeps the cold going longer. Which I very much suspect it does.

And this all feeds into depression. The despairing feeling that things are more likely to get worse, as time passes, than better.

So a cold, or at least the kind of colds I’m getting, rapidly lead me to very self-destructive thought patterns. Based on the old ‘cessation of suffering’ gambit.

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