OMFG!!! I just picked up, tuned, and played a guitar. For the first time in… ??? It’s got to be a few years now!?
Ironically it was in furtherance of a rather depressive poetic lyric that came to me this morning. Indeed, that has been rattling around my noggin for aeons:
I’d rather be asleep than awake…

Anyway, much to my surprise, and relief, I actually enjoyed the experience. And, against my own dour expectations of failure, I came up with both a melody (and/or various variations thereon) and some supporting chords.
One dissonant note: my arthritic first finger of my left hand is not helping! But despite even that, I think I have the nugget of an idea worth pursuing here.
So I shall.
For now that means practicing the chord sequence until I can get it down cleanly at least four times in a row. I’ll then (re)record it, and stash it here, as a reference.
I’ve also recorded very ropey initial vocal and melodic chordal sketches on my iPhone. For further reference.