Had a very positive morning today. Which is nice. First off, I felt well enough to do my early/long first shift. first such shift in a while, due to this goddamn cold.

The glorious sunrise out in the sticks and my fabulous CD collection conspired to produce a very pleasant natural high. I also started a new ‘daily gratitude’ thang… and had a lovely response from all the family (esp’ dad), which was wonderful.

Mum pointed out that I had t included nature in my gratitude list. I could’ve replied that that was ‘cause I was limiting the list to just ten things. But I didn’t. Instead I sent her some of the pics shown here.

A couple of the things that make the current dispensation – mainly by that I mean working delivering for Amazon – more than just tolerable, but downright pleasurable, are the musuc I can and do listen to, and the beautiful landscapes I sometimes have the pleasure of driving through.

So… a very good start to the day today.
I then got home, and promptly fell asleep. But that in itself was nice. And now I’m at the depot, in Peterborough, for shift no. two. I do hope that’s second shift is as pleasant as the previous one? Of course, it may not be. And it has a lot to live up to! But one can live in hope.