MEDiA: Hammer DVD box.

I got this boxed set for Teresa, for Yuletide.

We once had all the movies from the set as digital files, thanks to a chum. But we never really watched them. Having the physical DVDs – I guess we’re old school that way? – means we’re much more likely to actually watch them (they’re not included on Amazon Prime).

Dig that carved in stone ‘font’!

It’s Xmas day, and, having watched a Basil Rathbone Sherlock movie earlier (The Pooch o’ the Baskervilles), part of another DVD set I got for Teresa, we’re now watching She,

Shot in Israel and starring Arsula Undress, this is, it seems, where Rumpole got his ‘she who must be obeyed’ line from. Well I never! And you get of only Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, and the many faceted charms of Ursula, but also Wombles narrator Bernard Cribbin.

Too much! An embarrassment of riches. Some of the sets or are they ‘mattes’?) are great, as well.

Fab scenes! Colonial clobber meets Romans and… well, all sorts.

Can’t be arsed to synopsise the ludicrous story. It’s just an excuse for exotic locations, good old fashioned Boys’ Own style adventure, with nutty costumes and plenty of feminine allure, all in a distinctly old school non-PC way. We love it!

Christopher Lee in one of many of his more ‘exotic’ roles!

As Miranda – or is it her mum? – is fond of saying, Such fun!

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