ART/BOOKS: Life of Picasso, Vol. 4, Coming Soon…

Due out April 7th, 2022!

Isn’t it funny how sometimes things occur with a fortuitous synchronicity? Only yesterday I posted about Josep Palau i Fabre’s series of books on Picasso, and I happened to refer, in that post, to the fact that both authors – engaged in exhaustive documentation of Picasso’s life/works – i Fabre and John Richardson, seemed to have stalled around parts three or four.

And, right after I post this, I learn that Richardson’s fourth volume of his very detailed Life of Picasso – of which series I have the first three volumes (and have so far read the first two) – is due out very soon. April 7th, this year, to be precise.

Well, well, well… three holes in the ground, as my ol’ dad used to say!

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