Apparently this movie, called Rising, was a USC (University of Southern California) master’s project, by a certain Larry Bock.
I can’t find out much about Bock (was he any relation to Dick Bock? Was he the same Lawrence Bock that became an entrepreneur?), which is a pity.
The film itself is a real gem, mixing stills, live footage, interviews with Szabo and associates (inc. Leonard Feather, and other notable jazzniks). One minor criticism is that it’d have been nice to see less cutting between pieces and more unbroken music.
Also worth checking out is this Facebook page dedicated to Gabor Szabo and his music:

When I first posted this, I’d only watched the first half of the film. Watching the remainder drove home a few salutory reminders about the artistic and/or musical life. Szabo is very candid, and quite humble, almost to the point of being a little self effacing. Saying at one point ‘maybe that’s how [through music, esp’ live performance] I compensate for my shortcomings as an individual‘!
It’s also clear that despite how we as listeners might perceive his art/music as an ‘end product’ (a horrid phrase!) that’s often perfect, or damn near, for him it was always a process of disappointment, whilst striving towards a seemingly unattainable goal. I recognise that feeling!