Judged purely on quantity Woody Allen is very clearly my favourite film director. I currently have something in the region of 45 DVDs of his movies, films he appears in, or that are about him.
This blog entry is a place for me to keep track of the stuff by or with/about him, that I don’t yet have. That includes:
- What’s Up Tiger Lily, 1966
- Small Time Crooks, 2000
- Hollywood Ending, 2002
- Scoop, 2006
- To Rome With Love, 2012
- Blue Jasmine, 2013
- Irrational Man, 2015
- Wonder Wheel, 2017
- Rifkin’s Festival, 2020
- Coup de Chance, TBA
I have seen some of the above. And might even have one or two as digital downloads. But I don’t have them as part of my otherwise quite comprehensive Woody DVD collection. Sadly at present finances preclude expanding the collection!
The situation for me, is a bit like it is with Tom Waits; my favourite Waits stuff is everything up to about Rain Dogs/Frank’s Wild Years, maybe even Big Time? Thereafter Tom remains a great artist, but my passionate attachment to or love for his work fades somewhat.

With Woody he really gets going around the early ‘70s, and has a long wide purple patch running way into the 1980s, possibly even the ‘90s. But from the ‘noughties’ on, things have been more hit and miss.
There are occasional gems, like The Curse Of The Jade Scorpion, and Midnight In Paris. But after 1994’s terrific Bullets Over Broadway, I’m no longer compelled by his output, as I am in the years prior to that.