SCiENCE & PUBLiC HEALTH: The Air Quality Index

At the time of posting, ‘air quality’
is 4. But what does this actually mean?

Insomnia biteth mine arse-cheeks again! So I’m up transferring thousand of photos from my iPhone to my ailing antiquated iMac.

This in itself merits a post, and maybe I’ll get into it a bit later? But my immediate reason for posting – apart from filling wakey-wakey time (that should be dreamy-snoozy-sleep time!) – is that I decided I ought to know what the ‘air quality’ numbers on my Weather App actually mean.

So I googled the topic, and found this, from Tonight air quality is at 4 (and it feels very warm – and close, aka humid – to me, as well), which means folk certain levels or types of condition should avoid strenuous outdoor activity.

Fascinating! At least now I know 1 is ok, or best, and 10 is ‘don’t leave your home, the air outside is toxic’!

Meanwhile, in iMac land, my ageing ‘pooter fails to work consistently. I’ve had to resort – and indeed it’s not the first time – to using Image Capture, ‘cause Photos – the app that’s suppose to deal with pics and videos off my iPhone or other devices is totally crapping out.

I wanted to sit at the computer until all pics and vids were safely backed up. But that might take well into the daytime, by the looks of things. Movies can slow things down. And I have got a fair number on ye aulde iPhone.

Once everything is backed up, I want to have a major purge of said iPhone. I don’t need to be walking around with over 4000 pics in my pocket! And the lack of space on my phone is causing problems with certain other apps; Amazon Flex for instance, which sometimes can’t load properly.

And I need Flex running smoothly right now, as it’s become my main earner, in these recent and troubled times.

Anyhoo, it’s nearing 2.30 in the am, I think I’ll stick it till 3, and then go back to bed regardless. I think sun-up is around 4.30am? And I’ve got some counselling at 21am, and work (Flex, as usual these days) in the art’noon…

Well, many hours later, and the ‘progress bar’ seems to have gotten stuck about a fifth of the way across. So… no realistic hopes of sitting here till she’s done. I gots to get me some sleep!

It’s roughly 3.30 am. Back to bed. Perchance to sleep?

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