HOME: Yuletide Prep, Pt. III

And lo, the tree, she is up!

We bought this tree at a great post-Xmas discount, from the Scotsdales on the Trumpington/Shelfords side of Cambridge. I believe it was about £100-120-ish, down from a pre-Xmas price of roughly £400.

We’ve had it about a decade now. So it’s paid for itself, compared to our old practice of having a real tree each year, many times over now.

I’m still a bit icky about having a ‘fake’ tree. But it saves money, is easier to have at home, and looks pretty durn good. So I’ve come to terms with it.

We still have a lot more tidying and decorating to do. But it feels great to have cleared space for the tree, sorted the tarry curtains out, and got the place looking nicer overall.

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