DAYS OUT: St Mary The Virgin, & A Nomenclature Mystery, Solved

Whilst out delivering today, I passed through Three Holes. A place whose name has always made me chuckle. But today, for the first time (at least as far as I’m aware), I spotted the village sign, as I drove through. It’s a bridge, with three arches; three holes… of course!

Approaching the church…

And then, later, I had a look at a church I’ve passed several times now, but never stopped to admire. St Mary The Virgin, Ryston. Just outside of Downham Market.

Interesting tower.
Looking towards the entrance/porch.
The end on view.

Whilst I was snapping away outside – roundabout when I took the above photo – a chap who lives opposite came out, and offered to open up the church for me, if I wanted… Of course! And thanks Fraser, you’re a gentleman.

Thanks to Fraser, I learned that the church had serious WWII connections… which always fascinates me.

Apparently all the former servicemen have now passed away, save one, an 104 year old former bomber!

An RAF themed hassock, no less!

Apparently there was a time when the priest or vicar (or whatever he was called… parson!?) lived up in the tower. Apparently accessed at the time by a rope ladder, not the metal ladder that’s there now. Mad, eh!?

I want to climb that ladder…

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