We had dinner in the garden yesterday evening. Lovely!

As the light started to fade, Teresa had an inspiration…

The moon was out, looking alien yet lovely. After dinner, some vintage Partridge. Lovely stuff. ‘Not my words, the words of Shakin’ Stevens.’

Went to bed about 10.30-‘ish. Slept very quickly. That in itself is unusual. Pooped from all the DIY, furniture and book/stuff moving, I reckon.
Butt… woke up at 2 am. It’s now 4.15 am. And I haven’t slept at all in that intervening two hours plus.
Arthritic pain in left hand first finger remains excruciating. Regular co-codamol only dampens it. It’s not reducing the inflammation
Mind is active. I’m thinking I’ll re-paint the drum room feature wall. The blue in there isn’t working. For starters there are two non-matching shades. I think I’ll go instead for a mustard yellow:

B&Q opens 7am. Think I’ll be awake till then. I’ll buy some Valspar French Mustard, and some masking tape.
Maybe just read until then?
Well, I eventually fell asleep, around 5am. It’s now 9.45. So I got in a good shift of sleep after all.