DAYS OUT: St Andrew’s, Walpole St Andrews

At Andrew’s, seen from where I parked.

I stopped down a little lane, as I prepare this blog post. It’s a cool grey, cloudy day. Raining lightly. The wind wafts a faint perfume of Spring on the air.

I’ve been utterly miserable, and completely without energy, for several days now. Fortunately for me, getting out to do my ‘umble delivery work, and when I’m done with that, stopping to appreciate beauty, mostly in nature or churches, is therapeutic.

As the pictures in the gallery above load, the church bells chime. They sound small, and not entirely tuneful, in a rather parochial and sweet way.

This church has two rather modern doors, that don’t look at all original. And once inside, the peculiar ravages of time are both ample and immediate.

This is another ageing edifice in the care of the CCT, Churches Conservation Trust. If I could afford it – and, sadly, currently I can’t – I’d take out a modest monthly subscription, to support their work. When I can, I believe I will.

Picked this up.

I took a copy of what I imagined might be the latest issue of the CCT’s members’ mag. But it turns out it’s from way back… the Summer of 2019! Isn’t that pre-Covid?

Several Days Later…

Aha! Now it all makes sense…

Reading Pinnacle, at the Amazon Depot car park, in Peterborough, waiting to start my second shift of the day (15th May, now), I came across the above article.

Now I know why this particular somewhat out of date copy of the magazine is stocked here…

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