DAYS OUT/CHURCHES: Walpole St Peter’s, Pt I

Very impressive porch, with a lovely view.

I’ve visited Walpole St Peter’s before. I adore it. It’s full of beauty and riches. I’ll definitely be coming back here. Maybe bring folk with me?

This first gallery is all shot in the porch.

Next, some images from the area around the inner area, adjoining the porch, where the organ is situated.

This church has such an abundance of riches, it’s going to take a couple more posts to cover them all. And that’s by no means everything St Peter’s has to offer. Of that I’m certain!

In fact this post isn’t a great deal more than a recapitulation of my previous visit here. It’s only really in the next couple of posts that I look deeper and harder at the wealth of treasures this place has to offer.

Love it!

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