Wow! This takes me back. Back to my forlorn childhood. Thin Lizzy were my first ‘serious’ band, so to speak. Prior to that I’d liked Status Quo, and not really had much in the way of clearly defined tastes in music.
The interview segment of The Tube video is a bit sad, really. Mainly ‘cause Lynott comes off as a bit of dick. He was probably high, alas.
But the music? That’s where his fuller self comes through. And, sandwiched between the heavier rockin’ Boys Are Back and Cold Sweat? ‘The Sun Goes Down’. The sensitive balladeer in Lynott was always in there.

A girl I knew, from school, Heidi, loaned me the above, on cassette. I used to listen to it on a little cassette player, which I’d place under my pillow! I also started listening to The Friday Rock Show, with Tommy Vance; another under the pillow late night pleasure!
Above is the Dixie Dregs ‘Take It Off The Top’, which was the theme for The Friday Rock Show.
And here they are doing it live at Montreux:
The Friday Rock Show also used this Van der Graaf number:
And here they are, doing it live, on Belgian TV, in ‘72:
Ah, the innocence of youth. Tucked in under the warm duvet of ‘family life’. That particular ‘family unit’ didn’t survive, alas. And, like innocence and simple happiness, it’s all just misty memories, fading in the rear view mirror of life.