FiLM: The Last Man on Earth, 1964

There are some aspects of this film I love. Some of the settings, for example. And also some of the ideas. And then there are some that are less good: there’s some fairly wooden acting, and some dubbing that doesn’t help.

One of many great locations.
Creating some powerful images.

But given the recent Covid pandemic, the idea of an airborne disease that destroys humanity, almost completely, is perhaps more scary than hitherto?

The zombie/vampire aspect of it? Hmmm…

It’s interesting that the zoonomic pathway to human disease, for Covid, was prob’ via bats (and poss pangolins?). But one can read the zombie/vampire thing another way; as a view on modern humanity as inherently failed and flawed.

A fab’ image!

It’s also interesting in that it suggests a form of human evolution that supersedes ‘us’, i.e. humanity as we are now.

But somehow the film hangs in limbo, between these interesting ideas (and the powerful spooky images) and something much more trashy and cornball. It’s an odd ‘un, alright!

Classic zombie home invasion…
… and Vincent Price style horror!

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