Only a week or two back we had nothing on the drive to ‘fence us in’. It now feels much more homely and private. Mostly psychological, I suppose. But just coming home to this and seeing it there makes us smile.

Things are going to look even better when the planting gets more mature. We have the bamboo by the window, several pots – lavender, etc. – two wisteria, to climb over the doorway arch, and we’ll be planting a cherry in the big green planter.
The willow, or whatever it is that’s in the green planter at the mo’, is alive. But it has never really flourished. So we’ve cut it back, and will re-home it somewhere else.

We’ve wanted to do this for ages. So it’s great to finally have it done. And doubly so to do it myself. Much cheaper, and giving a greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

I love painting! be it art, or home improvements/DIY. It’s pure unalloyed pleasure. I have one or two areas to touch up, snigger. And I might put some weather-proofing strips in places; atop the bricks, maybe across the top of the gate?
But it’s 95% done. And it looks and feels fab!