It’s been great to enjoy being out in our long narrow back garden, with this recent bout of warm sunny weather.

I took this series of snaps today, during a break from my regular wednesday drum teaching (which I’m currently doing remotely, from our home).

During this same break I also attached the central – and third and final – of the roofing trellis panels for our ‘green room’

It felt good to nip out from the dark indoor space of the drum room/office, and get some sunlight. And doubly so to do something practical building wise.

I also cleared some of the less attractive looking stuff from this view down the garden. Very verdant!

The above is the ‘cottage garden section of the garden. And it’s supposed to be full of hollyhocks, foxgloves and poppies, etc. But it’s mostly been taken over by very tall grass.

One of the right or so foxgloves that have come back. This is the only one (of many that we’ve planted) to have survived on the southern side. The other seven or so are all on the northern side, which, in our garden, gets much more sunlight.

The above, and the next two pics look very like some of the earlier ones. They are the same view, looking back to the house. But if you look very carefully you’ll see I’ve moved a few things.

The next step is to paint the new trelli (plural of trellis!?), and touch up some of the old peeling paintwork.

It ought to be very nice once the wisteria has climbed over the roof, giving dappled shade beneath. That was the plan. we might add some more side panels as well, to make it more of a ‘room’.
And we have two cast-iron bench ends, which need some new wooden slats, to make a nice little neck to go inside.