DAYS OUT: All Saints, Walsoken, St Peter & St Paul, Wisbech

The approach…

This first gallery is mostly (all?) exterior shots, taken before I went inside.

This next gallery is interior stuff. Mostly font – the font is fabulous! – roof, and sundry wooden stuff.

The next gallery is the glass (and some odd paintings):

And these next two galleries take us back to the wondrous world of wood. The roof(s), and associated sculptures, and the sculpted bits on the ends of the pews (no doubt they have a proper special name; I don’t know/recall it!).

St Peter & St Paul, Wisbech. Shut!

Sadly St Peter & St Paul was closed. I got there at 2.15 pm, to find it fully padlocked. With a notice in four languages, saying open daily, 10-2. Bummer!

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