MUSiC: Ant Law Trio, St Neots

Ant Music.

This evening Patrick and I went to a jazz gig, in St Neots. Pat is actually taking lessons with Ant Law. So it’s the pupil watching the teacher, in action.

Bassist Niklas Lukassen takes a solo.

Ant said this gig was the debut performance of this trio line up: Ant on guitar, German bassist Niklas Lukassen, on upright and electric, and drummer, Dave Hamblett.

Who you lookin’ at?

All three are are top-drawer world class players. And this was pretty hardcore muso-jazz. So much so some older folk, sat in front of us, left during the interval. Not their bag, I s’pose?

It was nice to go to a gig. Not something I do much anymore. But the cost of drinks – even non-alcoholic drinks – is, literally, insane!

We arrived a bit too early. And whiled away about an hour, drinking non-alcoholic beers by the riverside:

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